These and other sculptures are on display at Telesculpture 2005. You are invited to drop in and look around. Check out the sculptures and use the webcam.
Self Sustaining Life Form 1
The image is an example of a Fourier knot composed of a sequence of approximated spheres, each with 256 sides with an increasing radius. x := 4 cos(t) / 3 + 2 cos(3t); y := 4 sin(t) / 3 + 2 sin(3t); z := sin(4t) + sin(2t) / 2; Generated using a custom Delphi program as a binary STL (stereolithography) file. Image generated by the DeskArtes View Expert freeware.
Self Resolving Double Helix
A double helix of shrinking “molecules” resolves from a solid Babel Tower, representing the evolution of genomic interpretation.
For more information, STL files, or program source, contact me.