
Slingbox Recorder and Viewer Applications

SLR is a simple application designed to record and, together with the VSLR application, view Slingbox video streams on one or more computers.

Slinger SLR can be used to save Slingbox streams as files for later offline viewing on your PC, iPod or DVD Player.

The Slinger Viewer offers PVR features such as pause, commercial skip, and resume for multiple simultaneous viewers.

Slingbox Recorder


VSLR - Slingbox Viewer

    SLR Features:

  • Transfer video from a Slingbox controlled PVR to your computer.
  • Record the live video stream from your Slingbox.
  • Automatically record to time stamped one hour files.
  • Set up timer events for later recording.
  • Switch effortlessly from SlingPlayer to SLR for recording.
  • Optionally turn off your computer at the end of a recording.

  • VSLR Features:

  • View the incoming stream or prerecorded video files.
  • Multiple viewers can be used on several PCs for live or time-shifted viewing of recorded content.
  • Pause the view of the live feed and resume at a later time.
  • Stop viewing any video file and resume where left off.
  • Skip ahead in 30 second intervals.
  • Skip back in 10 second intervals.
  • Jump to a specific time in the video.
  • Fast forward through the video.
  • Delete files after viewing.
  • Rename or move files while viewing.
  • Extract audio to mp3 or transcode video to mp4 and other formats.

Slinger Beta Test Download

The trial versions of SLR and VSLR can be downloaded free of charge:

Download slinger70.exe (latest version)

To install SLR and VSLR, download the installation program and run it.

Read the SLR Manual and the VSLR Manual before using the programs.

If you have tried the program and you like it, you can buy it now for $24.95.


The VSLR viewer application requires the installation of the free VLC package version 0.8.6i. You must install VLC 0.8.6i before running the VSLR viewer. See the important installation notes below.

The SLR recorder works without the viewer. It is an optional extra. You can view recorded files in Windows Media Player and most other video players and editors.

VLC 0.8.6i Installation Notes:

Download VLC 8.6i

If you already have a later version of VLC, such as the current VLC 1 Goldeneye Media Player, it will not be affected if you follow the custom installation instructions below.

Run the installation application that was downloaded (vlc-0.8.6i.exe). Follow these instructions carefully:

Do you want to remove the previous version before installing VLC Media Player 0.8.6i?


Agree to the license.

Select the type of install: Custom

Uncheck ALL boxes except ActiveX plugin. Check the ActiveX plugin box.

Destination folder: DO NOT ACCEPT THE DEFAULT.

Browse to the folder containing vslr.exe - usually C:\Program Files\Slinger unless you installed Slinger in a different folder.

Note: You will have to manually delete \vlc from the end of the line when it shows up as the installer will want to add that.

Uncheck RUN VideoLAN VLC Media Player 0.8.6i

Click Finish.

Before connecting to your Slingbox, enter the IP address, Port, and your Administrative password using the Settings menu.

Slingbox and Sling Media are trademarks of Sling Media, Inc. SLR and VSLR are products of Benlo Park Software. Peter Jennings and Benlo Park software have no affiliation with Sling Media, Inc.